“I Want to Live” By: Joe Marchia

I want to live everyday like it’s the past.
I want to be nostalgic for things that are sad.
I want to ambush a group of nuns and ask for their autographs.
I want to go to McDonalds and order everything on the menu.
I want to go back to second grade and use comebacks I know now, and skip grades 2 through 9 and be the smartest child in history.
I want to eat carbs and have someone say “you’re one of those people who can eat whatever they want, aren’t you?”
I want to wear a hat that will fit my small, childlike head and have people say “nice hat.”
I want to have magic pills that will take care of anything I feel that is bad.
I want to start saying “tubular” like it’s the 80s.
I want to go to my high school reunion and have a million dollars.
I want to start a rap career and rap about inexpensive cars.
I want to meet Neil Patrick Harris and get sued for Sexual Harris-ment.
I want to walk on a red carpet and say “I’m a star, look at me.”
I want to go camping and swim naked in a lake.
I want to go to the Moon and look at Earth and say “What a Wonderful World” in a Louie Armstrong voice.
I want to learn to sing in 6.5 different musical styles.
I want to fall in love, but be filmed and release it as a movie.
I want to have a documentary about me where experts say “clearly this was his most productive artistic period.”
I want to learn a new language, but am already bad at this one.
I want to play jazz and say cool 1950s sayings.
I want to get interviewed for a magazine on mental health.
I want to eat oranges and say “orange you glad I didn’t say banana.”
I want to get a time machine/ make a time machine/ use a time machine.
I want to see you at 11PM on a random corner downtown and grab coffee.
I want to tell someone 100% about me and then say “that’s a relief.”
I want a talk show where my guests cry and I comfort them when it goes to commercial.
I want everything other people want, sometimes.
I want to not want things, sometimes.
Sometimes I think I’m not making any sense.
Sometimes I want to be like the world and not make any sense.

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