Thanh Bui


               to the man shouting at your mother
yield        to your too-eager lover’s desires under covers
yield        to the cinema employee’s LOUD & s l o w
               mouthedd speaking to a PhD holder’s accent
yield        to younger siblings for age is just self-sacrifice
yield        to that triple honk truck, the only one trying to get home this 5 pm wednesday
yield        like holding a breath indefinitely
yield        like just holding it in
yield        yellow & waiting
yield        like keeping the silence / disappearing your tongue / like only hearing others’
yield        to produce or provide
yield        bear fruit or children
yield        in fear of a wrong authority
yield        safety in the unsaid
yield        someone else goes first
yield        pick your words
yield        give way to:               ,               ,
yield        think ahead
yield        stop in your tracks
yield        go backwards
yield        looking beyond
yield        conserving space
yield        just for you
yield        a surrender
yield        before battle
yield        form of protection
yield        kept for another
yield        type of pause
yield        grin & bear it
yield        relenting
yield        is silent work
yield        never screaming
yield        nhường
yield        refrain
yield        nhịn
yield        create a path
yield        to be that pathway
yield        to allow another the privilege to speak
yield        to allow others to have things, to be seen, to be loud, to be      a person
yield        to turn the other cheek, knowing
yield        a deliberate choice
yield        wasteful with/holding


Thanh Bui was born in Saigon and raised in Boston and Houston. Her work has appeared in The Sunlight Press, Glass: A Journal of Poetry, FIVE:2:ONE, Cosmonauts Avenue, The Offing, and FreezeRay Poetry. She is teaching herself a lot of things.

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