J. Baugher

Love Story

after Jane Hirshfield


if for a moment

I were  the love of your life

if the grace of steel and wind

held like a clasp

around your neck

if I grace at your neck

this day rosemary


if rosemary and poppies

and sugar bowls

if bowls of poppies

knew rosemary

if my love

grief in May

sea in moonlight

if May

teal moonlight

if the moon

of teal May

if the rosemary

of this clasp held you

if your hold

steel and poppy seeds

if for a moment

the color

your neck

drained upward

if I were to catch

if I dropped

if the love dropped if

the sugar bowl

dropped I


J. Baugher is the author of two ekphrastic poetry collections, The Body’s Physics (Tebot Bach, 2013) and Coördinates of Yes (Ahadada Books, 2010). Her nonfiction, fiction, and poetry have been published in The Writer’s Chronicle, Boulevard, NANO Fiction, Nimrod, and The Southern Review, among others.

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